Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

So I am the only Rehrman girl without out a valentine but thats ok because I have my valentine dishes to eat breakfast on(Thank you Gretchen). That is just as good as a valentine right? Oh well.
Anyways...OH! Is OHver! Can't believe I am saying it but I will miss that dance a little. I will miss Susan Quinn being around A LOT! But keeping her in my thoughts for her surgery. (For those of you who don't know, Susan is one of my jazz professors). Now that this show is over it is on to the next! I am so excited to perform Scat and Sculpture Garden! Especially since my parents will be here! Not so excited about wearing the metallic unitard...lets just say I will be hitting the gym hard the next two weeks.
Hope all you love birds out there have a great valentines day. I know me and my chocolate will!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Busy busy busy...

Sorry yall! I know it has been a while but shows are underway and I am busy busy! Yesterday was Wednesday, and yes ryan it was indeed wonderful! I got some yummy popcorn sent to me for Valentines day :) Thanks mom! made granola with the girls and got a call from my daddy! can't wait for he and my mom to come!!!! And can't wait for Uncle Robert to be here!
Got an exciting e-mail on Monday! My Dance Spirit Article is out! It is gorgeous! They did a great job! I am going to try and attach it but I am not not sure it will work...
* i think that may be as big as I can get it but I will certainly work on it.
Have a great Thursday!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up!

Boy did I need a break this weekend! After the first full week back to school I was exhausted! Friday night I went to dinner with Kelly at Pastiche, a modern French kind of place, but our waiter was slow. Not a place I would go back to. By the end of Friday night I found myself in bed at 10:30 with a few loads of laundry done (all the machines were open, afterall who does laundry on a Friday night?) The next morning I had a buddy breakfast with Michael at the B Line. Probably my favorite restaurant in Tucson :) I highly reccomend the honey butter biscuit :x
Saturday I finished my laundry and went to Don Q rehearsal only to find out it was canceled because Candice has an infection in her foot. That's what understudies are for ;) Saturday evening I made dinner with Kelly and Gretchen (*See Picture) and then hung out with Michelle and Emily. Sunday was filled with rehearsal, grocery shopping and the gym. Now I am ready for a long week to start!
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little sister Madison who is not so little anymore! The big 1-5!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday!

This just means we are halfway through! Plus for some reasons I just love Wednesdays! No blog for me yesterday, it was my busy day, and yes it was busier than ever. No time for a break at all. Although I won't really have a break today either MWF are just more pleasant.
This morning while checking my horoscope on yahoo I came upon this article. Instead of just writing about what I do everyday (Because usually it is the same thing, which gets a bit old) I thought I would share something different with all of you.
I think it is worth a read. If we could all do these things, we would be better people and the world would be a better place. Just something to think about...

Monday, January 24, 2011

A dancin' weekend...

So I am back from Phoenix and had a great weekend of dancing! I had so much fun taking some different classes (not so much fun dancing on those ballroom floors!) I got to take 2 of Mark's classes which were both fantastic :) I also got to take from Travis Wall (will put up a link to that video) Stacey Tookey, Ivan Koumaev, (All from SYTYCD) and a few others. I am super sore though. I have a feeling that this will be a long week. It is the first full week we have had since we got back to school and I have an INSANE amount of rehearsals. I am going to be so tired by Friday! Good thing I love it...and It is a good thing I went to nuvo this past weekend. Sometimes I think that changing it up re-inspires you.
Found this quote from a friend...Something we could all try to remember all the time...
*And here is a pic from the weekend and a link to the video I talked about!
"Passion makes the world go round, love just makes it a safer place. Involve your passion with your love."

Friday, January 21, 2011


Ok ok, I know I didn't write anything yesterday, but believe me there wasn't a lot to write about and not too much today. This week has been pretty standard. Yesterday was a long day (as Tuesday/Thursdays usually are...and you will probably hear about it on those days) however, for being such a long day it went by rather quickly. The highlight of my day was definitely getting my face smashed by Caitlins butt in Sculpture Garden. Well maybe that wasn't the highlight, maybe we should say that was the most comical part of my day. I also had "OH!" rehearsal, which again was very productive thanks to Truby and her mad cleaning skills.
This weekend I am going to nuvo (a dance convention) in Phoenix with Michelle, Sean, Emily, and Gianni! Should be fun and I get to take class with my favorite choreographer...Mark Meismer! It will be good for me to get a weekend away from rehearsals and whatnot. I'm sure I will have lots of stories and pictures from the trip! Til Monday!
*Ryan the picture is for you.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Longest. Day. Ever.

So yesterday was indeed the longest day ever. I woke up extra early to go to the gym, then jazz, repertoire, choreography and 3 rehearsals. 10 to 10. Needless to say I crashed when I got back home (After having a bite of the yummy trail mix Bree sent me...which was a wonderful surprise after a long day and so sweet or her to send!) Although yesterday was a long one, rehearsals were super productive. We are gettin' things all in all, a great day! Today won't be so bad, I am done at 5! Hooray!
*I found this little picture when I was "stumbling" I fully support everything it says. I wish I could make it a poster and put it on my wall.
Even though yesterday was "The longest day ever" I am doing something I love. Hope you all are as well!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The weekend wrap up!

Thanks to Mr. MLK we had a three day weekend! I ended up not having rehearsal on friday so I got to go to the gym, then Kelly and I had our Friday night date and went to the adorable Mexican restaurant on fourth. I Had the open face veggie enchiladas...nummy! And cheap food! Its called La Indita for those of you in Tucson. Saturday I literally had nothing to do...WHAT!? This is unheard of in the world of Oliver. We did try to go to Wicked at Centennial Hall; we entered the lottery to get tickets but no such luck :( So we were all dressed up and no where to go... Saturday night was an early one and I found myself in bed at 10, not such a bad thing!
Sunday was another day off! Can you believe it? I ran a solid 6 miles at the gym, and it felt so good! After that I hung out with Adam and we had an Adam and Olivia day! Then Kelly, Adam and I went to happy hour at Ra... Can you say $3 sushi rolls? Well it was good fuel for what was coming for me the next morning. My schedueled 2 hour Don Q rehearsal turned into a 3 hour one. I will just say that my little toes were not happy with me. However, I just want to point out that I have the best partner ever...Sean! You can never go wrong when one of your best friends is your partner...and a talented one at that! Rehearsal went really well...The pas is actually recognizable now and I got the 32 fouettes. They may not have been the prettiest but they are happening. *Note: In my last post I said we were doing the pas from that video. No. We are doing the whole thing, variations, coda and all.
Last night was an Oliver and Cost-a-lot night (Michelle) We made stir fry! Yum Yum! So now the work begins. Ready for another week? I don't know. It is only 4 days but those could be a long four days. Off to the gym for a quick workout then class and rehearsal from 10 to 10 today...ouch. Wish me luck.
*Above is a picture of me and my fabulous roommate Kelly from this weekend!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day two of a two day week...

Done...with the first day, and it was a long one! Lots of class, but mostly lots of rehearsal, however rehearsals were a lot more productive than they usually are. Today is a little shorter, ballet, pointe, astronomy, jazz, biomechanics, rehearsal. No breaks but I am done at 5:10! wahoo! And no gym time! I have begun to learn Don Q...and let me tell you, it is a doozy. Its already got me stressing out so I am sure you all will hear more about that in the future. So much to do so little time!
*Here is a link to Paloma doing the Pas from Don Q if you want to see what I am going through...hehe

Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Obama for Olive...

Ok so in case you were i did not make it in to the McKale auditorium to see Obama's speech, despite the two and a half hour wait in line with the other 20,000 people. They decided to send everyone to the stadium to watch it on the jumbo screen. Not me though, I went to Gretchen's apartment and watched on the TV because (as those of you who really know me already know) I did not want to wait outside anymore. (yes AZ does get cold sometimes) Obama's speech was terrific, something I will always remember. My favorite line was when he said something like, "Life can't be measured by wealth, status or fame, but by your ability to love" I think that is something we all need to remember more often throughout our days. President of The University, Robert Shelton also spoke, and might I say, we have one stud-ly president (bear down America!) And as for Michelle, she was looking fierce in that purple dress and sweater. As for those who passed or were injured in the shooting, Tucson as well as the rest of America, has you in their hearts.
On a lighter note, today is the first day of school! Beginning my day with a peanut butter english muffin, and a trip to the gym. Then jazz, repertoire, choreography, rehearsal. Nine hour we go!
*Here is the mob of people going to the football stadium when we found out we didn't get into the arena.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No School!

No school today because Obama is coming to talk about the shooting...hopefully I will get to go see him speak. Its not too often you have the the chance to do that. This morning I am having a "Buddy Breakfast" with Michael! As freshman we get buddies and he was/still is mine. We often go to breakfast on the weekends at blue willow (mmmm omelets :)) Michael is a senior but graduated a semester early, so he is done but still around in Tucson...he is the best buddy ever! After that it is gym, clean room and then OBAMA! Apparently we are going to have to stand in line a while...I hear people are camping out! I will let you all know how that goes...
Last night we went to Chipotle and I got to hangout with my friends that I haven't seen in a is so nice to see their faces again! Here is a picture of Adam and I from last night...I missed him!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Back to school back to school! Starting my day off right with a bowl of oats, banana and coffee! Glad to be back in the dirty T! I need to be back on a schedule. For today...gym, groceries, unpack and spend time with all of my friends that i missed so very much! On a sad note, there was a shooting at a safeway in tucson over the break and many lives were lost. Obama is coming to our school on wednesday so classes were postponed. Not such a good reason but the extra day is kind of nice!
Also, today starts the countdown to our first show! 30 days eeek! So ready to dance again...and so happy to be back in sunny Tucson! Now off to the gym.
^Michelle and I bundled up for the crazy NYC cold where I spent NYE!